Travelling tips to travel Uphills with a Toddler

Travelling to a hill station and enjoying the weather there is loved by all but travelling with a toddler can be a difficult task. Nausea, restlessness, vomiting and upset stomach, are some common issues with little kids during long travels and visits to mountainous areas. Travelling through the hills can cause motion sickness . The thought of travelling to a hill station which is around 500km away puts the parents on the back foot thinking about the journey. As parents we also faced similar issues but with time and experience we have figured out our best suitable ways to combat motion sickness of the kids on hill roads. While travelling in the hilly area the curves stimulate the inner ear as there’s a difference in signals from what you see and what you feel, this is the primary reason for motion sickness in small children.

Sometimes the children don’t like the quiet and calmness of the hills as they are used to the city life and amusement parks and they feel there is nothing much to do at the hills and they are not able to enjoy the natural beauty of the hills and mountains. This takes little extra efforts from parent’s side to initiate them into a relaxing and enjoyable trip to hills and an wonderful stay by letting them explore freely and enjoy the nature.

Sharing some travelling tips for toddlers to have an enjoyable journey uphills !

Ensure Proper Sleep 

It is very important that your toddler is well slept before the start of the journey . If the sleep is inadequate then the the chances are they will become cranky soon and it will only add to the difficulty of the journey. Try to start the the journey early in the morning while they are still asleep as it will be the best way to avoid nausea, vomiting or upset stomach as the head & eyes rest, and there’s no interference between signals of brain & body. Do not disturb their sleep time, incase they sleep in the afternoon s make them sleep in the car.

Take breaks during the car journey

While travelling your little one needs not just one or two but more small breaks during the trip. This not only help them to relieve themselves but let them breath the welcoming breeze as you climb up the hills. On a trip to the mountains you are crossing multiple ranges before you reach your destination. Stop over to enjoy the breath taking views of the mountains and nature around. Let the kids see the spectacular of the nature and admire it. Children can freshen up themselves by washing their face, hands and feet from near by clean water sources, if any, or simply experience the quiet beauty of mountain life and its inhabitants or collect the fallen pine seeds that will remain as memory forever.

Try and switch off the car ac and open the windows and let the fresh air in and prevent discomfort or mountain sickness.

See what to give the child to eat during the journey

It is very important to see what we are giving the child to eat during the journey on the hills. Many children cant enjoy the journey due to motion sickness on the zigzag roads. Due to which they are not able to appreciate the beauty of the mighty mountains.

There are various ways parents can ensure minimum discomfort to their children without giving them any pill. First and foremost, empty stomach should be avoided during the journey.

Do not force-feed your child before/during/after your journey and let him/her decide on how much s/he wants to eat.

Always start the trip with stomach friendly and light food. Do not have milk , bread and other oily food as it might cause nausea during the journey.  We often start our road trips with handful of nuts and fruits and as soon as we are out of town we find a good place to eat on the highway.

Eating fresh is the key during the journey. Having fruits is one of the best options. It provides a provide a healthy supply of glucose to the brain.

Fresh cucumber, kakri, guava seasoned with black salt and apples give a good punch to the dull taste of mouth during road journey. Must avoid citrus fruits like orange, pineapple and grapes and bananas and also previously cut fruits.

When dining out idli dosa are a good option for kids as it is easy to digest and non spicy. A good lunch of jal jeera, plain rice or tawa roti with daal sabzi and dahi/butter milk during break is excellent to keep their motion sickness at bay. Always avoid spicy, oily and processed food and any sort of beverages except plain water.  Snacking is not advised unless its less oily and home made. The colourful packets of chips, waffers and biscuits do more harm than good.

It is always a good idea to carry some mouth fresheners like dried amla or adrak or peppermint which neutralises vomiting tendency during car or bus journey. “Nimbu” (lemon) has been the best saviour in case of any discomfort occuring due to gas and acidity. Simply squeeze nimbu in your water bottle and let your child have it. It will bring relief in minutes.

Keep the kids engaged in some activities

It is important to keep the kids engaged in some activity or the other during the car journey to distract them from zig zag roads and keep them entertained. Listen to good music, sing songs together and talk to your child to keep him engaged rather than feeling baffled.

Play games with them like ask them to memorize numbers of vehicles from the number plates of passing vehicles, asking them to spot what we see on road, keeping track of the names of the places you cross. This will surely keep them entertained and will also keep their mind away from the motion sickness .

Take Precautionary Measures

It is always advisable to carry plastic bags, wiping tissues, towel, bottles of water, extra sheets and clothes, so that in the event of vomiting or spit-up, you can clean your child and yourself, and dress back in clean clothes. Also carry nausea or vomiting/diarrhoea medicines after consulting your pediatrician in case of an emergency.

Choose a nature friendly resort

While choosing your stay options look for resorts which have easy access to mountains and are alongside the river so your kids can enjoy the clean water of the river and walk and play in it. choose resorts having forest trails that provide you opportunities for nature walks in various directions. Definitely be cautious of the safety and hygiene standards while choosing the resort.

Enjoy the nature

In order to become part of the mountain life one needs to pause breath and look around. There should not be any fixed timetable for the kids because c’mon they are also on a holiday. Don’t keep hopping around from one place to the other. Lets the children enjoy the open space. Let them play around, hide behind the trees, jump in the puddles, collect stones and pebbles, play in the mud and collect pine seeds and soak themselves completely in the nature

Trek in the mountains

One of the first things in the hills is to take the kids for a trek. To start with a short and safe trek in the day time. It could be through villages , fields or sanctuaries where travelling on foot is allowed by local authority. Getting them ready after a good breakfast with proper dress, caps and trek shoes and water bottles will definitely be an exciting affair for them. On the way let them discover the wild flowers, squeaking of unknown animals, chirping of birds, shy mountain kids, village women carrying firewood . let them see other side of life, let them hear the silence .

Plan your itinerary in advance

Most of the hill stations apart from offering beautiful mountain and forest escapes are also famous for religious places, historical structures, mall shopping roads, adventure sports and wildlife. Keeping in mind your children interests a balanced combination of visits to religious place, adventure and wildlife should be planned to give the children vivid and variety of experiences.

Finally let them enjoy

The main purpose of any trip is to enjoy. You want your kids to enjoy to the fullest and have an memorable experience which they will cherish for a long time. Don’t restrict them for anything but keep an eye on them all the time. They should be encouraged to do all the fun activities but under supervision. So lets enjoy one day at a time!


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